Your questions LEAD the Way!

Welcome to the FAQ section of the University Policy Office (UPLO) at the University of Duhok. We recognize the significance of clear standards and well-defined processes in fostering a harmonious university environment. Our commitment to transparency and engagement with the university community is reflected in this interactive platform.

Explore and Engage:

We invite you to explore this FAQ section to find answers to common questions and concerns related to university policies, procedures, and guidelines. If you have further inquiries or need additional information, don't hesitate to contact us via the contact page on our website.

Your Engagement Matters:

We appreciate your active engagement and collaboration in upholding the integrity and effectiveness of university policies at the University of Duhok. Your questions guide us in ensuring a clear and supportive framework for our university community.

What are the University Policies?

University Policies are policy statements that create principles as a foundation and direction for future action, as well as articulate the University's official views on matters vital to the University's governance.

What is the purpose of university policies, procedures, and guidelines?

University policies, procedures, and guidelines are designed to set standards, streamline processes, and align daily actions with the overarching goals of the university. They provide a framework for maintaining operational efficiency, achieving the university's purpose, and mitigating institutional risks.

How are university policies developed and reviewed?

University policies undergo a systematic development process, involving identification of needs, thorough research, drafting, stakeholder engagement, review, approval, implementation, monitoring, and periodic review. The Academic Committee plays a crucial role in shaping and reviewing policies.

What is official university policy?

An official university policy is a formal document that outlines the rules, regulations, and guidelines that govern the conduct, actions, and operations within a university. These policies are created to provide a structured framework for decision-making, ensure consistency, and uphold the values, mission, and goals of the institution. University policies typically cover a wide range of areas, including academic affairs, administrative procedures, student conduct, research, and more.

To be considered an official university policy, a document must undergo a formal development and approval process. This process often involves input from various stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and relevant committees. The policies are typically approved by the university's governing body, such as the Board of Trustees or a similar authority.

Key characteristics of an official university policy include:

University policies play a crucial role in maintaining order, ensuring fairness, and promoting the effective functioning of the academic community. They provide a foundation for decision-making and contribute to the overall governance and success of the university.

Who has the authority to approve official Policy?

In a nutshell, it is the University Council. The University Steering Committee, on the other hand, evaluates policies and provides recommendations to the president. The University Policy Office (UPLO) oversees the life-cycle of UOD policies, from writing through proposal and recommendations. Before the text becomes an official university policy, it must be approved by the president (and, if necessary, the University Council).

How are Policies changed, created and approved?

Administrative adjustments, changes resulting from changes in applicable laws or regulations, corrections or small amendments to existing rules can be made at any time. Existing Policies requiring fundamental revisions, or new Policies, must, nevertheless, follow a specified procedure to provide proper notice and opportunity for discussion to a broad audience, honest, transparent examination of comments received, and broad communication of the resultant Policy. The University Policy Office is in charge of overseeing the policy life cycle and adhering to the University Policy on Policy Development.

Who has responsibility for a Policy?

The Policy owner is solely responsible for Policy implementation, as well as related processes, instructions, training, procedures, forms, and Policy maintenance. All policy documents are well-written, including needed information on the initial pages that clearly identify the policy owner and other policy stakeholders. The University Policy Office (UPLO), on the other hand, will be the entity in charge of overseeing the policy life cycle.

Can anyone comment on a Policy?

Every academic community member at the University of Duhok is welcome to offer feedback on both approved policies and new policies that are currently being examined and developed.

I have a question about a Policy. Who should I contact?

For questions related to a specific policy at the University of Duhok, it is best to contact the person listed as the Policy Owner in the table at the top of the policy document. They will be able to provide you with specific information and guidance related to that policy.

If you have general questions about policies or if you are unable to identify the Policy Owner, please contact the University Policy Office. They will be able to assist you and direct you to the appropriate resources or contacts for further clarification or assistance.

You may also join the UOD UPLO SPACE on the University Google Chat to post your comments or question or simple communicate with us.

Is there a standard Policy format for the University of Duhok?

Yes, the University of Duhok have a standard policy format or template that is used for drafting policies. This standardized format helps ensure consistency, clarity, and uniformity across policies within the university. The University Policy Office at the University of Duhok is the appropriate resource for obtaining the standard policy template and any additional instructions or guidelines for drafting policies specific to the institution.

By utilizing the standard policy format provided by the University Policy Office, policy authors can ensure that their policies contain the necessary information and are structured in a consistent manner. This helps promote effective communication, understanding, and compliance with the policies throughout the university community.

The standard policy format may include sections such as:

It's important to note that the specific format and sections may vary slightly depending on internal policies and guidelines. As pointed out the University Policy Office is the best resource for obtaining the standard policy template and any additional instructions or guidelines for drafting policies within a particular university.

How often are Policies reviewed?

All Policies at the University of Duhok are subject to review by the Policy Owner. The review process typically occurs one year after the policy's adoption or substantial revision. However, policies may also be reviewed when there is a change in applicable law, regulation, or policy, whichever comes first.

The purpose of regular policy reviews is to ensure that the policies remain current, relevant, and aligned with the evolving needs of the university community. It allows for necessary updates or revisions to address any changes in legal requirements, best practices, or internal circumstances. The Policy Owner in coordination with UPLO are responsible for initiating the review process and ensuring that the policies are kept up to date.

If you have any questions or concerns about a specific policy, please contact the Policy Owner or the University Policy Office for further assistance.

How can I access specific university policies or guidelines?

Our comprehensive A-Z list of policies and guidelines is accessible on the UPLO website. You can easily find the information you need by searching for the specific title. For additional assistance, feel free to reach out to us through the contact page.

If I see a need for a Policy or want to create one, who do I contact?

If you identify a need for a new Policy or have the intention to create one at the University of Duhok, please contact the University Policy Office. They are the designated office responsible for policy-related matters and can guide you through the process.

To submit your suggestion for a new Policy or seek assistance in creating one, reach out to the University Policy Office. They will provide you with the necessary guidance, resources, and support to help you navigate the policy development process.

The University Policy Office plays a key role in ensuring consistency, clarity, and compliance across the university's policies. They can assist you in understanding the requirements, formatting, and approval procedures necessary for creating a new Policy.

Feel free to contact the University Policy Office directly to discuss your ideas or to obtain further information on how to proceed with proposing a new Policy. They will be able to provide you with the necessary guidance to facilitate the policy creation process at the University of Duhok.

How do I know if a Policy has changed?

To stay informed about Policy changes at the University of Duhok, you can refer to the Policies News and Updates page on the University Policy Office (UPLO) website. This page is specifically designed to announce any recent updates or revisions to the university's Policies.

Whenever a Policy undergoes changes, such as updates, revisions, or additions, the University Policy Office will post relevant information on the Policies News and Updates page. This ensures that the university community is aware of any modifications or new Policies that may impact their work or responsibilities.

To access the Policies News and Updates page, simply visit the University Policy Office (UPLO) website and navigate to the designated section for news and updates. There, you will find the latest information regarding Policy changes, along with any additional details or instructions provided by the University Policy Office.

Regularly checking the Policies News and Updates page will help you stay up to date with any Policy changes that may affect you or your area of work within the University of Duhok.

What criteria must a policy meet to be considered a University Policy?

For a document to be considered a University Policy, it typically needs to meet certain criteria. While specific criteria may vary between universities, common elements include:

By meeting these criteria, a document can be formally recognized as a University Policy, signifying its importance and applicability across the entire university community.

What types of edits determine the approval process?

The approval process for Policy edits depends on the nature of the changes being made. Generally, substantial revisions to Policies require a complete review through the formal Policy process. A substantial revision refers to any change to a Policy that necessitates campus-wide review and communication, or a change in applicable law, regulation, or policy.

Examples of substantial revisions include modifications that impact the interpretation or implementation of the Policy, introduce new requirements, or significantly alter the scope or intent of the Policy. These types of revisions typically require thorough review and input from relevant stakeholders to ensure appropriate consideration and implementation.

On the other hand, simple editorial changes, such as correcting grammar, titles, typographical errors, or making minor adjustments that do not affect the substance or interpretation of the Policy, can be made at any time without undergoing the full approval process.

If you are unsure whether a change constitutes an editorial or a more substantial revision, it is advisable to contact the University Policy Office. They will provide guidance and clarify the appropriate approval process based on the specific nature of the proposed changes.

For further information or assistance regarding Policy edits, please reach out to the University Policy Office. They will be able to provide you with the necessary guidance and support to ensure the appropriate approval process is followed for the proposed changes to Policies at the University of Duhok.

What should I do if I believe a university Policy has been violated?

If you believe that a university Policy has been violated, it is important to report your concerns promptly. The University Policy Office (UPLO) provides contact details that all members of the university community should use to confidentially report suspected unethical activity related to various areas such as financial matters, academic and student life, human relations, health and campus safety, or research.

To report a suspected violation or unethical activity, students, faculty, and staff can anonymously file a report by contacting the UPLO. All receiving reports are ensured the confidentiality of the information provided. Please include as much detail as possible in your report, including the Policy that you believe has been violated and any supporting evidence or information that can assist in the investigation.

All submissions made to UPLO will be reviewed and reported to the appropriate university personnel for further action. It is important to note that the university takes reports of Policy violations seriously and strives to address them in a fair and timely manner.

By reporting any suspected violations, you play an essential role in upholding the integrity and compliance of university Policies. Your concerns will be handled confidentially and in accordance with the university's policies and procedures.

If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the University Policy Office for guidance and support.