A form for all University units to write their policy proposal

Propose new Policies, Policy Retention, and Policy improvement

The Policy Development Journey

Navigating the Policy Development Journey at the University of Duhok

Undertake a systematic journey of policy development at the University of Duhok, where each step is carefully crafted to align with our commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and stakeholder engagement. Explore the stages involved in shaping policies that cater to the evolving needs of our dynamic university community:

1. Identification of the Need:

The journey begins with identifying the need for a new policy or revising an existing one. This could stem from changes in laws, regulations, or emerging issues impacting the university's operations, goals, or stakeholders.

2. Research and Analysis:

Thorough research and analysis follow, gathering insights on the policy topic. This involves reviewing existing policies, exploring best practices, and considering the specific context and requirements of the University of Duhok.

3. Drafting the Policy:

Based on research findings, a draft policy is meticulously prepared. This document outlines the purpose, objectives, scope, and specific guidelines, ensuring alignment with our university's mission, values, and strategic priorities.

4. Stakeholder Engagement:

The draft policy is shared with key stakeholders—faculty, staff, students, and relevant departments or committees. Their input and feedback are actively sought to ensure a comprehensive understanding of potential impacts and address any concerns or considerations.

5. Review and Revision:

Feedback is thoughtfully reviewed, and the draft policy is refined accordingly. This stage involves language refinement, clarifying intent, and incorporating valuable suggestions to enhance clarity, effectiveness, and relevance.

6. Approval Process:

The revised policy undergoes scrutiny, presented to the University Steering Committee and the University Council for approval. Depending on the nature and scope, this may involve senior leadership, administrative committees, or the university's governing board.

7. Implementation:

Upon approval, the policy is communicated to the university community. Mechanisms for implementation are established, including policy dissemination, necessary training or guidance, and integration into relevant processes and procedures.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure policies align with the university's objectives. Ongoing assessment, data collection, and feedback mechanisms identify areas for improvement, fostering continuous alignment and effectiveness.

9. Policy Maintenance and Review:

Policies undergo periodic review and updates to reflect changes in external factors, legal requirements, or evolving university needs. This cyclical process ensures policies remain current, relevant, and supportive of the University of Duhok's mission and vision.

Throughout this journey, we prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and stakeholder engagement. Our commitment ensures that policies effectively meet the needs of the university community, contributing to our shared success.

At the University of Duhok, policies are categorized and listed based on the roles or groups they primarily affect. This approach helps individuals easily locate and access policies relevant to their specific responsibilities and functions.  ▶ EXPLORE

At the University of Duhok, policies are organized and categorized into various categories to facilitate easy access and navigation. Member of our community may access the latest and current version of these policies on UPLO website. ▶ EXPLORE

At the University of Duhok, we maintain an A-Z list of policies to provide easy access and reference for the university community. This comprehensive list includes all official policies implemented across various areas of the institution.   ▶ EXPLORE

UPLO Policy Workshops are interactive sessions that often include presentations, case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises. They provide a platform for participants to ask questions, share experiences, and engage in meaningful dialogue around policy-related challenges and opportunities. ▶ EXPLORE

University Policy Resources typically include various documents, tools, and platforms that support the development, implementation, and maintenance of policies within a university setting.  ▶ EXPLORE

By leveraging these external resources, the University of Duhok aims to develop comprehensive and well-informed policies that align with legal requirements, industry standards, and best practices.  ▶ EXPLORE